Time on the Beacon Chain is divided into "slots" of 12 secs apart at which actions and state transitions occur (You can also view the Scheduled blocks)

Epoch Slot Pos Status Proposer ParentRoot Att DEP S-P/A Exit Graffiti Utf8
3439801100739132 of 32proposed 3234390x767d58c9...12800 / 00🧱🔥 Kiln.fi 🔥&# ...
3439801100739031 of 32proposed 14960660xba5af0d8...12800 / 00--
3439801100738930 of 32proposed 11294120x1bce72f5...7000 / 00RP-NL v1.14.1
3439801100738829 of 32proposed 17298020x4b045afb...12800 / 00ssv.network
3439801100738728 of 32proposed 11046980x25896452...6600 / 00RP-GL v1.14.1
3439801100738627 of 32proposed 8061070xc674ba6a...7500 / 00--
3439801100738526 of 32proposed 7902250xe41781ae...12800 / 00prylabs-lido
3439801100738425 of 32proposed 16228760xaa4e031c...11800 / 00--
3439801100738324 of 32proposed 15381290x0a383441...12800 / 00TKd56ce97fBU870f3b78
3439801100738223 of 32proposed 17455570x33e23975...11600 / 00charon/v1.2.0-d60eb93