Time on the Beacon Chain is divided into "slots" of 12 secs apart at which actions and state transitions occur (You can also view the Scheduled blocks)

Epoch Slot Pos Status Proposer ParentRoot Att DEP S-P/A Exit Graffiti Utf8
164169525343932 of 32proposed 4719070x4904479b...12800 / 00bitcoinsuisse.com
164169525343831 of 32proposed 3222600x7935e9fd...12800 / 00blockscape
164169525343730 of 32proposed 3075250x32193693...7300 / 00RP-BN v1.7.0 (🐼👉Ԁ ...
164169525343629 of 32proposed 2504170x7a0edec6...12800 / 00--
164169525343528 of 32proposed 4750930xca3362b7...12800 / 00Twinstake
164169525343427 of 32proposed 1126310x3c99a1d8...12800 / 00--
164169525343326 of 32proposed 4095040x78af79f4...9400 / 00hellohello00
164169525343225 of 32proposed 2084610x1e7c8ab3...7900 / 00Lighthouse/v3.2.1-6d5a2b5
164169525343124 of 32proposed 2354180x1d63be3b...12800 / 00--
164169525343023 of 32proposed 4430960xd7a15ff1...12800 / 00--
164169525342922 of 32proposed 3236200xa84c1469...12800 / 00--
164169525342821 of 32proposed 4223910x40ad8c94...6500 / 00validating_from_DAppNode
164169525342720 of 32proposed 4537630x21cbb023...12800 / 00Nethermind for Lido
164169525342619 of 32proposed 1534680xbbb8f1ce...6500 / 00--
164169525342518 of 32proposed 2918720xcc75c1a3...12800 / 00--
164169525342417 of 32proposed 2473560xebe66b5b...12800 / 00--
164169525342316 of 32proposed 1892240x29824eb7...7700 / 00🍀🍀溟深辰远🍀㇬ ...
164169525342215 of 32proposed 3046680xc8591d23...12800 / 00Simply Staking
164169525342114 of 32proposed 2960590x163d1204...12500 / 00ChainLayer
164169525342013 of 32proposed 963160x35b3dede...7100 / 00Lighthouse/v3.1.0-aa022f4
164169525341912 of 32proposed 1039560xa985440a...12800 / 00Validating_From_The_South_Pole
164169525341811 of 32proposed 3075640x72823435...9100 / 00ChainLayer
164169525341710 of 32proposed 1787030x40615755...12800 / 00🧱🔥 Kiln.fi 🔥&# ...
16416952534169 of 32proposed 1836770xf5155025...12800 / 00Powered by ⚡️Allnodes
16416952534158 of 32proposed 2857430xaa41a5f4...12800 / 00Lido ⚡️Allnodes
16416952534147 of 32proposed 1882330x79a0ab0f...12800 / 00Lighthouse/v3.1.0-aa022f4
16416952534136 of 32proposed 4430390xa7c395cf...6600 / 00Lighthouse/v3.2.1-6d5a2b5
16416952534125 of 32proposed 3075880x4e987ed9...12800 / 00ChainLayer
16416952534114 of 32proposed 813950x3f1037e5...12800 / 00--
16416952534103 of 32proposed 2251170x3f1af586...6400 / 00Lighthouse/v3.2.1-6d5a2b5
16416952534092 of 32proposed 265990xa3442bf0...6500 / 00Lighthouse/v3.1.0-aa022f4
16416952534081 of 32proposed 501830x05ab295e...12300 / 00--