Time on the Beacon Chain is divided into "slots" of 12 secs apart at which actions and state transitions occur (You can also view the Scheduled blocks)

Epoch Slot Pos Status Proposer ParentRoot Att DEP S-P/A Exit Graffiti Utf8
168120537987132 of 32proposed 2809580x2adbfeb7...12800 / 00--
168120537987031 of 32proposed 3753720x2e7adf1a...6900 / 00blockscape
168120537986930 of 32proposed 4848310x41efc302...12800 / 00--
168120537986829 of 32proposed 2314320xdc838a58...11900 / 00bitcoinsuisse.com
168120537986728 of 32proposed 1074900x6e387697...8100 / 00DATECH STAKEWALLA
168120537986627 of 32proposed 274540xa0891410...8600 / 00--
168120537986526 of 32proposed 3635280xe6aeee32...12800 / 00--
168120537986425 of 32proposed 2504400xbe3ff122...12800 / 00--
168120537986324 of 32proposed 4158510x6863525e...6700 / 00--
168120537986223 of 32proposed 3281560x3d018948...6800 / 00Lighthouse/v3.3.0-bf533c8
168120537986122 of 32proposed 1230950xe237f78b...6500 / 00--
168120537986021 of 32proposed 2332490x16e2a3d4...10000 / 00blockscape
168120537985920 of 32proposed 2091060xb84e8199...8600 / 00--
168120537985819 of 32proposed 3443800x2a21353c...12800 / 00--
168120537985718 of 32proposed 3025150x1aa1bfe7...11400 / 00--
168120537985617 of 32proposed 758390xd48f7e99...12800 / 00--
168120537985516 of 32proposed 2095540x6ff148e7...9900 / 00Legend
168120537985415 of 32proposed 2428660x44b5002d...11500 / 00--
168120537985314 of 32proposed 486610xa54404ce...12800 / 00--
168120537985213 of 32proposed 919760x292d0c34...6800 / 00eth-docker
168120537985112 of 32proposed 3846400x2db86028...12800 / 00--
168120537985011 of 32proposed 882790x74e811ae...6400 / 00Stake Earn Relax 🐠 stakefish
168120537984910 of 32proposed 448520x838df180...12800 / 00--
16812053798489 of 32proposed 265190xeb0cd1fb...12800 / 00--
16812053798478 of 32proposed 3045190x4055cb7a...8500 / 00--
16812053798467 of 32proposed 2166460xfae038b0...8200 / 00Lighthouse/v3.2.1-6d5a2b5
16812053798456 of 32proposed 3179330x128ea265...12800 / 00teku/v22.10.1
16812053798445 of 32proposed 1394980x0279ce01...6400 / 00--
16812053798434 of 32proposed 2122590x94741d0f...12800 / 00--
16812053798423 of 32proposed 1802390x92ad186c...12800 / 00--
16812053798412 of 32proposed 2547590xa1ce5a87...12200 / 1*0--
16812053798401 of 32proposed 3803070xe6cad489...6800 / 00Stakin (https://stakin.com)