Time on the Beacon Chain is divided into "slots" of 12 secs apart at which actions and state transitions occur (You can also view the Scheduled blocks)

Epoch Slot Pos Status Proposer ParentRoot Att DEP S-P/A Exit Graffiti Utf8
188551603366332 of 32proposed 4252790xd3c81cb1...12800 / 00--
188551603366231 of 32proposed 4641550x4da6bbee...12800 / 00teku/v23.2.0
188551603366130 of 32proposed 1689470x3ed9a133...6800 / 00Stake Earn Relax 🐠 stakefish
188551603366029 of 32proposed 4301710x53b18874...7200 / 0019Marv073
188551603365928 of 32proposed 5332820x557459d7...7200 / 00Nethermind for Lido
188551603365827 of 32proposed 5010600x7d127e74...6500 / 00--
188551603365726 of 32proposed 1294250x8841c3f4...12800 / 00--
188551603365625 of 32proposed 4980060x21ab7c22...12800 / 00¤ Frax Finance ¤ ...
188551603365524 of 32proposed 762640xca6cb55d...12800 / 00Lighthouse/v3.4.0-38514c0
188551603365423 of 32proposed 4654690xc2f687c5...7300 / 00--
188551603365322 of 32proposed 1707510x178be080...7500 / 00--
188551603365221 of 32proposed 137160x07a17bcb...12800 / 00--
188551603365120 of 32proposed 4278630xe31b61af...11400 / 00Legend
188551603365019 of 32proposed 4060510xa80dcc4a...12800 / 00--
188551603364918 of 32proposed 1823170x24f3f3be...12800 / 00--
188551603364817 of 32proposed 4066490x7a7592d4...12800 / 00🍀🍀溟深辰远🍀㇬ ...
188551603364716 of 32proposed 1392870xc9647ffa...7100 / 00--
188551603364615 of 32proposed 2778280xd516e761...12800 / 00--
188551603364514 of 32proposed 2479770xdf4a6768...12800 / 00--
188551603364413 of 32proposed 4639580x724857b5...12800 / 00CryptoManufaktur-Lido
188551603364312 of 32proposed 4083630x19d53701...6900 / 00Lighthouse/v3.2.1-6d5a2b5
188551603364211 of 32proposed 883200xb055dc05...12800 / 00--
188551603364110 of 32proposed 4821070x5842ab84...12800 / 00--
18855160336409 of 32proposed 2230910xcf0adb07...12800 / 00--
18855160336398 of 32proposed 1078860x45258416...12800 / 00🐍 No Step!
18855160336387 of 32proposed 1064550x52a6d05c...12800 / 00--
18855160336376 of 32proposed 3072510x392b8cc0...7300 / 00Lighthouse/v3.3.0-bf533c8
18855160336365 of 32proposed 1759490x59baf54e...12800 / 00Lighthouse/v3.4.0-38514c0
18855160336354 of 32proposed 3680950x7bb11d94...12800 / 00Block by Stakely Lido10
18855160336343 of 32proposed 3824240x254a0978...12800 / 00Lighthouse/v3.4.0-38514c0
18855160336332 of 32proposed 2901750x9c605cdb...12800 / 00--
18855160336321 of 32proposed 2695920xef3870e4...12800 / 00--