Time on the Beacon Chain is divided into "slots" of 12 secs apart at which actions and state transitions occur (You can also view the Scheduled blocks)

Epoch Slot Pos Status Proposer ParentRoot Att DEP S-P/A Exit Graffiti Utf8
205190656611132 of 32proposed 4725490x295a3d64...6500 / 00Lighthouse/v4.1.0-693886b
205190656611031 of 32proposed 1755220xbe83f7e5...12800 / 00--
205190656610930 of 32proposed 3389640x657ae0b4...7000 / 00BridgetowerCapital
205190656610829 of 32proposed 2557850x0d29cce6...12800 / 00--
205190656610728 of 32proposed 738000xe6afe889...12800 / 00Powered by ⚡️Allnodes
205190656610627 of 32proposed 6241110xfa827d82...12800 / 00--
205190656610526 of 32proposed 484360xcf05523a...12800 / 00Cryptostake.com
205190656610425 of 32proposed 5994010x641339bb...6500 / 00🧱🔥 Kiln.fi 🔥&# ...
205190656610324 of 32proposed 1570040x89f94fce...12800 / 00--
205190656610223 of 32proposed 6064940x86017877...6700 / 00Lighthouse/v4.1.0-693886b
205190656610122 of 32proposed 5611290x17033072...12800 / 00--
205190656610021 of 32proposed 6374940x99f6a90f...11700 / 00Lighthouse/v4.1.0-693886b
205190656609920 of 32proposed 4996770x6b7a56d0...12800 / 00--
205190656609819 of 32proposed 4150770x650d32e7...12800 / 00--
205190656609718 of 32proposed 4623230x278b6607...12800 / 00--
205190656609617 of 32proposed 3777230xb834eb48...12800 / 00--
205190656609516 of 32proposed 6200300xefed6e5e...12800 / 00--
205190656609415 of 32proposed 1927370x53e18d2f...12800 / 00--
205190656609314 of 32proposed 3489970x25f5e741...12800 / 00Lighthouse/v4.1.0-693886b
205190656609213 of 32proposed 4276520x2c7ae48a...11700 / 00Legend
205190656609112 of 32proposed 974450x17ea3545...6400 / 00Stake Earn Relax 🐠 stakefish
205190656609011 of 32proposed 80640xbaf02068...12800 / 00--
205190656608910 of 32proposed 6285970xe00efce4...12800 / 00teku/v23.5.0
20519065660889 of 32proposed 6285880x943f9203...6600 / 00--
20519065660878 of 32proposed 1698130x3f155828...6400 / 00Stake Earn Relax 🐠 stakefish
20519065660867 of 32proposed 5818390xa080b091...7200 / 00RP-NL v1.9.5 (⌐◨-◨)
20519065660856 of 32proposed 2293720x5b63cd65...12800 / 00Lighthouse/v4.1.0-693886b
20519065660845 of 32proposed 5310060x0355c6d7...12800 / 00--
20519065660834 of 32proposed 2812500x0b2f75f2...12800 / 00--
20519065660823 of 32proposed 4512120xd9e7ef67...12800 / 00--
20519065660812 of 32proposed 284170x94e2dae0...12800 / 00why hodl when you can stake? -P
20519065660801 of 32forked 4266900x94e2dae0...8000 / 00Legend