Time on the Beacon Chain is divided into "slots" of 12 secs apart at which actions and state transitions occur (You can also view the Scheduled blocks)

Epoch Slot Pos Status Proposer ParentRoot Att DEP S-P/A Exit Graffiti Utf8
210603673932732 of 32proposed 6733210x46da41b4...12800 / 00--
210603673932631 of 32proposed 1343480x9e64a377...7500 / 00--
210603673932530 of 32proposed 4424040xb9708daa...11100 / 00--
210603673932429 of 32proposed 6557460xc5d35b03...12800 / 00--
210603673932328 of 32proposed 5654060x90b4613c...6500 / 00--
210603673932227 of 32proposed 2991020x67b2e057...12800 / 00--
210603673932126 of 32proposed 1072750x4c21015f...12800 / 00--
210603673932025 of 32proposed 4303800xab1fc727...7800 / 00LIDO-KukisGlobal
210603673931924 of 32proposed 2207010xc9fbecf8...12800 / 00🧱🔥 Kiln.fi 🔥&# ...
210603673931823 of 32proposed 1357370x11a91752...12800 / 00--
210603673931722 of 32proposed 5749390x451334e0...12800 / 00--
210603673931621 of 32proposed 106110x4cd9639f...12800 / 00bitcoinsuisse.com
210603673931520 of 32proposed 6981010x0e05961a...12800 / 00--
210603673931419 of 32proposed 1794060x255c83fb...12800 / 00--
210603673931318 of 32proposed 2766330x9fc1d009...12800 / 00--
210603673931217 of 32proposed 5778340xcea1694d...12800 / 00--
210603673931116 of 32proposed 1857940xdee2ebe3...6400 / 00--
210603673931015 of 32proposed 726260xa780ee68...12800 / 00Stake Earn Relax 🐠 stakefish
210603673930914 of 32proposed 6498600x16b74fd3...6800 / 00--
210603673930813 of 32proposed 1485410xcc2cb15a...6400 / 00--
210603673930712 of 32proposed 2446220x10738851...12800 / 00Powered by ⚡️Allnodes
210603673930611 of 32proposed 6361820xd1255492...12800 / 00--
210603673930510 of 32proposed 1311560x61f8e8fb...6700 / 00--
21060367393049 of 32proposed 2087980x75cbdfa6...12800 / 00--
21060367393038 of 32proposed 3233790x421f5cc6...12800 / 00Stake Earn Relax 🐠 stakefish
21060367393027 of 32proposed 6022880x03921ebd...6400 / 00Lighthouse/v4.1.0-693886b
21060367393016 of 32proposed 3958340x4377eda3...12800 / 00RP-XT v1.9.4
21060367393005 of 32proposed 2590350x2ca771dc...9500 / 00--
21060367392994 of 32proposed 2461230x4df215f7...12800 / 00Lido ⚡️Allnodes
21060367392983 of 32proposed 6139280x542ee462...10100 / 00Lighthouse/v4.1.0-693886b
21060367392972 of 32proposed 4241050xc2065c1e...12800 / 00--
21060367392961 of 32proposed 5293600x701b1a3f...12800 / 00--