Time on the Beacon Chain is divided into "slots" of 12 secs apart at which actions and state transitions occur (You can also view the Scheduled blocks)

Epoch Slot Pos Status Proposer ParentRoot Att DEP S-P/A Exit Graffiti Utf8
274186877398332 of 32proposed 8067730xa181e713...6700 / 00--
274186877398231 of 32proposed 3875350x772e1420...12800 / 00Lido ⚡️Allnodes
274186877398130 of 32proposed 8253700x4d93a36a...12800 / 00Nethermind for Lido
274186877398029 of 32proposed 5746950x98bea4c9...12800 / 00--
274186877397928 of 32proposed 1837110xb192253e...12800 / 00--
274186877397827 of 32proposed 6049870xdcbbd002...8700 / 00validating_from_DAppNode
274186877397726 of 32proposed 12083700xcb0c8712...7900 / 00Lighthouse/v5.1.0-10a38a8
274186877397625 of 32proposed 13104860x34fafc58...12800 / 00Powered by ⚡️Allnodes
274186877397524 of 32proposed 6619280xbf18b4e8...12800 / 00LIDO-KukisGlobal
274186877397423 of 32proposed 12779940x89edbf39...12800 / 00Twinstake
274186877397322 of 32proposed 7752420x2e6cd8a1...12800 / 00--
274186877397221 of 32proposed 11848020xf2346ba5...6600 / 00Stake Earn Relax 🐠 stakefish
274186877397120 of 32proposed 12411430xfd8f9f3f...6700 / 00Luganodes
274186877397019 of 32proposed 6916040xb22b9f9e...11600 / 00Lodestar-v1.17.0/def26ac
274186877396918 of 32proposed 9180910x54648973...12800 / 00--
274186877396817 of 32proposed 1378000x8c9bbbcb...12800 / 00--
274186877396716 of 32proposed 6915330x6a7a309c...12000 / 00Lodestar-v1.17.0/def26ac
274186877396615 of 32proposed 7521120xef34c622...12800 / 00--
274186877396514 of 32proposed 3581460xc699f047...12800 / 00Lighthouse/v5.1.3-3058b96
274186877396413 of 32proposed 9101190xe825ab49...12800 / 00--
274186877396312 of 32proposed 12919500xab1900aa...12800 / 00Nethermind
274186877396211 of 32proposed 2475770xe08cc10a...11600 / 00poapaa2VsI8722DeHPPwjXbJooGadtMA
274186877396110 of 32proposed 8711230xaa9ce73d...7500 / 00--
27418687739609 of 32proposed 12777090x743554cb...12800 / 00--
27418687739598 of 32proposed 12139090x0ccc276c...12800 / 00RockawayX Infra
27418687739587 of 32proposed 1980290xd01f2b45...12800 / 00Everstake / Lido-3
27418687739576 of 32proposed 4826330xc1dffd1f...12800 / 00bitcoinsuisse.com
27418687739565 of 32proposed 3466100x82b63f93...12800 / 00teku/v24.3.1
27418687739554 of 32proposed 3273730x94b76ed9...12800 / 00Simply Staking
27418687739543 of 32proposed 6634970x8396d430...12800 / 00--
27418687739532 of 32proposed 5347820x3e5d29fc...12800 / 00LIDO-KukisGlobal
27418687739521 of 32proposed 11310670x23fba092...6800 / 00--