Time on the Beacon Chain is divided into "slots" of 12 secs apart at which actions and state transitions occur (You can also view the Scheduled blocks)

Epoch Slot Pos Status Proposer ParentRoot Att DEP S-P/A Exit Graffiti Utf8
286235915955132 of 32proposed 8170020x9925df83...12800 / 00🧱🔥 Kiln.fi 🔥&# ...
286235915955031 of 32proposed 8892390xbc534720...12800 / 00blockscape
286235915954930 of 32proposed 6020800xff62e4e5...6400 / 00Lighthouse/v5.1.3-3058b96
286235915954829 of 32proposed 5498000x74146425...12800 / 00--
286235915954728 of 32proposed 225730xa7c44ea2...11100 / 00Nimbus/v24.5.1-d2a075-stateofus
286235915954627 of 32proposed 8378160x47a9b09a...12800 / 00--
286235915954526 of 32proposed 690660x3303c33c...6400 / 00ssv.network
286235915954425 of 32proposed 520x2655c804...6500 / 00Lighthouse/v5.1.3-3058b96
286235915954324 of 32proposed 832320xa982c717...12800 / 00--
286235915954223 of 32proposed 9244360x84e2df52...12800 / 00Block by Stakely.io Lido102 TK
286235915954122 of 32proposed 667910xafd8242c...12800 / 00--
286235915954021 of 32proposed 11640150xb0b60f8a...12800 / 00--
286235915953920 of 32proposed 5971220x0f557b2b...6800 / 00--
286235915953819 of 32proposed 1488130x5e6eaca5...7000 / 00--
286235915953718 of 32proposed 8943750xcba8c0a7...12800 / 00--
286235915953617 of 32proposed 7947380x1469c264...6900 / 00--
286235915953516 of 32proposed 6172500x26336629...12800 / 00--
286235915953415 of 32proposed 13015600xeefdcadb...12800 / 00--
286235915953314 of 32proposed 4221570x155ba6c1...6400 / 00--
286235915953213 of 32proposed 11555940x414e1039...12800 / 00Twinstake
286235915953112 of 32proposed 4807180x20266c6a...12800 / 00bitcoinsuisse.com TK
286235915953011 of 32proposed 3660x0993a257...12800 / 00--
286235915952910 of 32proposed 6186840x340d0a59...10300 / 00poapETy8ebIod6d3BeUOlIJjdhcbQz0A
28623591595289 of 32proposed 12199650xcfe871d1...6400 / 00Lighthouse/v5.1.3-3058b96
28623591595278 of 32proposed 1021480x89a5e111...12800 / 00--
28623591595267 of 32proposed 606880xe6d03d54...12800 / 00--
28623591595256 of 32proposed 13673140xb3d6a071...7100 / 00Lighthouse/v5.1.3-3058b96
28623591595245 of 32proposed 3378590x9fb010ac...12800 / 02Block by Stakely Lido006 TK
28623591595234 of 32proposed 11429200x963b79ca...8500 / 00SNC.xyz
28623591595223 of 32proposed 8605850xb6489dc7...12800 / 00--
28623591595212 of 32proposed 12910560x8710e8ed...12800 / 06🧱🔥 Kiln.fi 🔥&# ...
28623591595201 of 32proposed 11625750x4ae81652...12800 / 00--