Time on the Beacon Chain is divided into "slots" of 12 secs apart at which actions and state transitions occur (You can also view the Scheduled blocks)

Epoch Slot Pos Status Proposer ParentRoot Att DEP S-P/A Exit Graffiti Utf8
289721927110332 of 32proposed 13271150xf3a7ed6d...6700 / 00Luganodes
289721927110231 of 32proposed 892090xda3ef621...12800 / 00--
289721927110130 of 32proposed 14279570xd6580315...12800 / 00TKcdcb1773
289721927110029 of 32proposed 7723290x490ab7de...9000 / 00ssv.network
289721927109928 of 32proposed 9560920xf9f89a73...12800 / 00Lido ⚡️Allnodes TKcdcb
289721927109827 of 32proposed 14080780xf2b816ef...12800 / 00--
289721927109726 of 32proposed 11801550xd23f9f18...12800 / 00--
289721927109625 of 32proposed 8736290xf24f4bb9...12800 / 00--
289721927109524 of 32proposed 10616980x056381df...12800 / 00Hashhub
289721927109423 of 32proposed 14025520x0ebb64ab...12400 / 00Lighthouse/v5.1.3-3058b96
289721927109322 of 32proposed 11384320x244dff49...12800 / 00--
289721927109221 of 32proposed 1579650x708d6228...6500 / 00--
289721927109120 of 32proposed 9616590xe991cc7a...8700 / 00senseinode.com
289721927109019 of 32proposed 8418360xa612134f...10500 / 00CryptoManufaktur-Lido
289721927108918 of 32proposed 6646210xb35f37b3...12800 / 00--
289721927108817 of 32proposed 484960x07ee84b5...9700 / 00TKcdcb1773
289721927108716 of 32proposed 13410760x0dd541a6...6600 / 00Luganodes
289721927108615 of 32proposed 304140x124715dc...7800 / 01Stake Earn Relax 🐠 stakefish
289721927108514 of 32proposed 13659830x1b4d0b35...6400 / 00Luganodes
289721927108413 of 32proposed 1450540x58ef6045...7400 / 00--
289721927108312 of 32proposed 12962290x590bcff8...7200 / 00Luganodes
289721927108211 of 32proposed 10137080xcd9264af...6900 / 00SenseiNode
289721927108110 of 32proposed 1056310xf9ce34ff...12800 / 00--
28972192710809 of 32proposed 3344210x5ed1248c...8200 / 00--
28972192710798 of 32proposed 13292400xd0fd6f03...6400 / 00Luganodes
28972192710787 of 32proposed 5085630x6b70e4ed...12800 / 00--
28972192710776 of 32proposed 5874780x2a98403d...12800 / 00--
28972192710765 of 32proposed 209220xf23300a7...7100 / 00--
28972192710754 of 32proposed 6580570x78706d30...12100 / 00Lighthouse/v5.1.3-3058b96
28972192710743 of 32proposed 4951220xb7410ea1...12800 / 00TKcdcb1773
28972192710732 of 32proposed 5027590xfcceefd8...12800 / 00Powered by ⚡️Allnodes
28972192710721 of 32proposed 7718280xadee7dac...12800 / 00TKcdcb1773