Time on the Beacon Chain is divided into "slots" of 12 secs apart at which actions and state transitions occur (You can also view the Scheduled blocks)

Epoch Slot Pos Status Proposer ParentRoot Att DEP S-P/A Exit Graffiti Utf8
297358951548732 of 32proposed 14371490xbabdfe64...6400 / 00NM220bLHf1d8
297358951548631 of 32proposed 1849580x06d9b30f...12800 / 00--
297358951548530 of 32proposed 13802840x0f5b79ff...12800 / 00NM220bLH9e12
297358951548429 of 32proposed 11620710x183dfeed...12800 / 00ebunker.io
297358951548328 of 32proposed 11951690x6a3fa14a...7300 / 00GE0dd1LHf1d8
297358951548227 of 32proposed 1822380x6c877469...12800 / 00--
297358951548126 of 32proposed 10507690x5f2018a8...12800 / 00TKcdcb1773
297358951548025 of 32proposed 5181300x5e5eadb9...12800 / 00stereum.net TKcdcb1773NM220b5b85
297358951547924 of 32proposed 1723000x8e60fb85...12800 / 00blockscape
297358951547823 of 32proposed 10037990x3f14900a...6500 / 00RP-GL v1.13.6
297358951547722 of 32proposed 12496660xc98fea52...12800 / 00Everstake / Pro
297358951547621 of 32proposed 4235980x4ddcb158...12800 / 01TKa9f98260
297358951547520 of 32proposed 13825410xe90d7bee...12800 / 00--
297358951547419 of 32proposed 4542810xcd994468...10600 / 00Cryptostake.com TKa9f9GEaadd
297358951547318 of 32proposed 1992000x8fdac7a7...12800 / 00--
297358951547217 of 32proposed 14248330x26798c15...12800 / 00ether.fi ⚡️Allnodes TKa9
297358951547116 of 32proposed 10668670x1fea1fbe...12800 / 00--
297358951547015 of 32proposed 1025440x4a95e64a...12800 / 00--
297358951546914 of 32proposed 1892160xa55628ab...12300 / 00N-S-S-O
297358951546813 of 32proposed 7881010x4da2b80b...12800 / 00🧱🔥 Kiln.fi 🔥&# ...
297358951546712 of 32proposed 10287440xcd5ade08...6400 / 00--
297358951546611 of 32proposed 223870xaa474aa1...8500 / 00--
297358951546510 of 32proposed 1757000x9157b586...8300 / 00Stake Earn Relax 🐠 stakefish
29735895154649 of 32proposed 11299600x20df1ae0...11600 / 00Stake Earn Relax 🐠 stakefish
29735895154638 of 32proposed 8514060xacaae560...12800 / 00--
29735895154627 of 32proposed 2388720xe2f87e9a...12800 / 00--
29735895154616 of 32proposed 8109410x3780d66f...12800 / 00--
29735895154605 of 32proposed 3302830xecf20ced...12800 / 00TKa9f98260
29735895154594 of 32proposed 358540x40416f49...9800 / 00poapYilEaOkZ1h0Fn1mF6U1X7tEx4UgC
29735895154583 of 32proposed 1737260x272eb431...12800 / 00Stake Earn Relax 🐠 stakefish
29735895154572 of 32proposed 14816930x6484e77d...12800 / 00ssv.network
29735895154561 of 32proposed 14096770x5f41c137...7300 / 00Nimbus/v24.2.2-v24.2.-stateofus