Time on the Beacon Chain is divided into "slots" of 12 secs apart at which actions and state transitions occur (You can also view the Scheduled blocks)

Epoch Slot Pos Status Proposer ParentRoot Att DEP S-P/A Exit Graffiti Utf8
302425967763132 of 32proposed 8901120x10fa16a5...12800 / 00--
302425967763031 of 32proposed 13790960x953203ca...6500 / 00--
302425967762930 of 32proposed 14207170xba405e33...6600 / 00Chainnodes
302425967762829 of 32proposed 11307560x4138f1ea...6600 / 00--
302425967762728 of 32proposed 6959160x07caa6e0...7300 / 00LIDO-KukisGlobal
302425967762627 of 32proposed 6345630x24fe548e...12800 / 00LIDO-KukisGlobal
302425967762526 of 32proposed 10661690x26d72332...12800 / 00🧱🔥 Kiln.fi 🔥&# ...
302425967762425 of 32proposed 3233810x2900e648...12800 / 00Stake Earn Relax 🐠 stakefish
302425967762324 of 32proposed 3716540xb2d92e94...7400 / 00NM220bLHe90c
302425967762223 of 32proposed 10670370x5e2e9045...12800 / 00--
302425967762122 of 32proposed 13387050x85692ef5...10100 / 00ssv.network
302425967762021 of 32proposed 7035400x85585331...8600 / 00LIDO-KukisGlobal
302425967761920 of 32proposed 8462910x429c7126...12800 / 00--
302425967761819 of 32proposed 10641120x1b17ed7b...12800 / 00--
302425967761718 of 32proposed 5065930xe2813df2...12800 / 00stereum.net TKa9f98260
302425967761617 of 32proposed 8224590x8efea93d...12800 / 00validating_from_DAppNode
302425967761516 of 32proposed 14269790xf5da5257...12800 / 00--
302425967761415 of 32proposed 14217240xe9020e74...12800 / 00ether.fi ⚡️Allnodes
302425967761314 of 32proposed 2218120x422385da...12800 / 00🧱🔥 Kiln.fi 🔥&# ...
302425967761213 of 32proposed 10537350x412f69f8...12800 / 00ebunker.io
302425967761112 of 32proposed 992990xdd0479cf...12800 / 00Powered by ⚡️Allnodes
302425967761011 of 32proposed 11096230x72c08f5b...12800 / 00--
302425967760910 of 32proposed 10607130x21fa9f1e...12800 / 00stereum.net TKa9f98260
30242596776089 of 32proposed 10666390x45e90312...12800 / 00--
30242596776078 of 32proposed 8764370x847179aa...12800 / 00ssv.network
30242596776067 of 32proposed 129580x22597bc6...7700 / 00M, B, L, elsker jer
30242596776056 of 32proposed 7956140x4b00923b...12800 / 00🧱🔥 Kiln.fi 🔥&# ...
30242596776045 of 32proposed 11236400xc50a4021...12800 / 00TKcdcb1773
30242596776034 of 32proposed 2265110x54422624...12800 / 00--
30242596776023 of 32proposed 13504160x49ad28ea...7700 / 00Lighthouse/v5.2.0-f1d88ba
30242596776012 of 32proposed 13760400x6b6a38e1...12800 / 00--
30242596776001 of 32proposed 14664650x87ce8503...9800 / 00--