Time on the Beacon Chain is divided into "slots" of 12 secs apart at which actions and state transitions occur (You can also view the Scheduled blocks)

Epoch Slot Pos Status Proposer ParentRoot Att DEP S-P/A Exit Graffiti Utf8
304314973807932 of 32proposed 13233050x5fde9be3...12800 / 00ssv.network
304314973807831 of 32proposed 12654020xfa39c0a6...10100 / 00Everstake / Pro
304314973807730 of 32proposed 7902090xf54fdfc3...12800 / 00prylabs-lido
304314973807629 of 32proposed 13533150x9e3c9cc7...7900 / 00Nethermind
304314973807528 of 32proposed 12946990x35b3f414...10400 / 00Everstake / Pro
304314973807427 of 32proposed 10328910x7538f590...12800 / 00--
304314973807326 of 32proposed 11728260x9ac3be56...12800 / 00Stake Earn Relax 🐠 stakefish
304314973807225 of 32proposed 1210130xf7df0546...12800 / 00Powered by ⚡️Allnodes TK
304314973807124 of 32proposed 11112310x7e3f85f1...12800 / 00A41
304314973807023 of 32proposed 10758820x9ab70efb...6400 / 00--
304314973806922 of 32proposed 7308490x85611d50...12800 / 00--
304314973806821 of 32proposed 1925280xdd2e1f0d...12800 / 00--
304314973806720 of 32proposed 10720210x3bc7b04b...6800 / 00Stake Earn Relax 🐠 stakefish
304314973806619 of 32proposed 12283870xa0dc35fc...12800 / 00--
304314973806518 of 32proposed 11959080xbb351d0b...6400 / 00NM220bLH9e12
304314973806417 of 32proposed 4150470x107f2f3f...12800 / 00--
304314973806316 of 32proposed 3482930x038b254c...12800 / 00bitcoinsuisse.com TKGE
304314973806215 of 32proposed 2853610xe569c67a...12800 / 00EAT A BAG OF DICKS!!
304314973806114 of 32proposed 4915000x3457d2cc...12800 / 00--
304314973806013 of 32proposed 14189660xe19e6c1e...12700 / 00NM220bLHd6ba
304314973805912 of 32proposed 10165220x4124439e...12800 / 00--
304314973805811 of 32proposed 4595990x72b74356...12600 / 00CryptoManufaktur-Lido
304314973805710 of 32proposed 3527870x0cb05e38...12800 / 00BridgetowerCapital
30431497380569 of 32skipped 0------------
30431497380558 of 32proposed 12648950x97c00c99...12800 / 00--
30431497380547 of 32proposed 12724920xff9fbb63...12800 / 00--
30431497380536 of 32proposed 5766130x933caea0...12800 / 00--
30431497380525 of 32proposed 3744580xa76b9637...12800 / 00Stakin (https://stakin.com) TK
30431497380514 of 32proposed 9636030xaed4e454...12800 / 00TK777c9dc7
30431497380503 of 32proposed 14006160x0b4fcf5e...12800 / 00--
30431497380492 of 32proposed 6040460x04433946...12800 / 00--
30431497380481 of 32proposed 9118830x71d023ba...12800 / 00--