Time on the Beacon Chain is divided into "slots" of 12 secs apart at which actions and state transitions occur (You can also view the Scheduled blocks)

Epoch Slot Pos Status Proposer ParentRoot Att DEP S-P/A Exit Graffiti Utf8
3284631051084732 of 32proposed 72060x69ca3419...12800 / 00TK56440a82BU141eb4b7
3284631051084631 of 32proposed 11065260xa0bef784...6800 / 00A41
3284631051084530 of 32proposed 6927500x29f2dbf0...12800 / 00--
3284631051084429 of 32proposed 7929960x26b2615e...6600 / 00money is just the first app
3284631051084328 of 32proposed 16037360x7e4983f8...8300 / 00Stake Earn Relax 🐠 stakefish
3284631051084227 of 32proposed 12165740x03060187...12800 / 00--
3284631051084126 of 32proposed 8832880x2d597b7e...12800 / 00--
3284631051084025 of 32proposed 5485280x5d4405c1...12800 / 00GEa952LHd6ba
3284631051083924 of 32proposed 16451120x228345a0...12800 / 00🧱🔥 Kiln.fi 🔥&# ...
3284631051083823 of 32proposed 5948620x1ca46d38...8000 / 00DontPanic
3284631051083722 of 32proposed 3893000xc20d6714...12800 / 00BridgetowerCapital
3284631051083621 of 32proposed 8639630x2bfad8f5...12800 / 00Stake Earn Relax 🐠 stakefish
3284631051083520 of 32proposed 16510040x928e1da5...12800 / 00--
3284631051083419 of 32proposed 1559760x6676f8b0...12800 / 00--
3284631051083318 of 32proposed 8572000x02a156e8...7200 / 00Nimbus/v24.10.0-c4037d-stateofus
3284631051083217 of 32proposed 25020x2955edf0...6500 / 00(o0o Dinochrome Brigade o0o)
3284631051083116 of 32proposed 6978150x41c3e058...12800 / 00--
3284631051083015 of 32proposed 7618930xd25c2809...12800 / 00calixte_mfz TK56440a82GEf3c696fa
3284631051082914 of 32proposed 8713080xf83d6d1f...12800 / 07--
3284631051082813 of 32proposed 3143260xb2f9f960...6500 / 00RP-GL v1.14.1
3284631051082712 of 32proposed 1468030x85238a12...12800 / 03bitcoinsuisse.com TKBU
3284631051082611 of 32proposed 7575440xed35c13a...12800 / 05--
3284631051082510 of 32proposed 8807990xbb35795f...12800 / 04--
328463105108249 of 32proposed 14167830xab499105...12800 / 03SSV.Network TKb10b0116NMdfea5240
328463105108238 of 32proposed 14055520x2f6e0993...8100 / 00Everstake / Pool
328463105108227 of 32proposed 2845290x8c9b4d53...8000 / 01Everstake / Lido
328463105108216 of 32proposed 12847450x15dee66a...12800 / 01🧱🔥 Kiln.fi 🔥&# ...
328463105108205 of 32proposed 14835170x6906d25a...7800 / 00Nimbus/v24.6.0-7d0078-stateofus
328463105108194 of 32proposed 15952150x7974a6c5...12800 / 01--
328463105108183 of 32proposed 10727110x362facb1...12800 / 00𝕡𝟚𝕡․𝕠& ...
328463105108172 of 32proposed 4714490xed5e1770...12800 / 01--
328463105108161 of 32proposed 13807240x3dec8fd5...12800 / 01--