Time on the Beacon Chain is divided into "slots" of 12 secs apart at which actions and state transitions occur (You can also view the Scheduled blocks)

Epoch Slot Pos Status Proposer ParentRoot Att DEP S-P/A Exit Graffiti Utf8
3284761051126332 of 32proposed 7822470x5c7c6c00...12800 / 00Simply Staking
3284761051126231 of 32proposed 5723190x3e827336...12800 / 00stereum.net
3284761051126130 of 32proposed 6991170xc896c068...6900 / 00Lighthouse/v5.3.0-d6ba8c3
3284761051126029 of 32proposed 10997250x61be5689...12800 / 00--
3284761051125928 of 32proposed 8850580x04318c68...12400 / 00RP-BT v1.14.1 gw:659505ffad56
3284761051125827 of 32proposed 3063650x696a0c31...8300 / 00ChainLayer
3284761051125726 of 32proposed 3352030x3e7e6193...10400 / 00BridgetowerCapital
3284761051125625 of 32proposed 5765700x549dfa3b...12800 / 00𝕡𝟚𝕡․𝕠& ...
3284761051125524 of 32proposed 10219500x50ad90ec...12800 / 00--
3284761051125423 of 32proposed 6203170xd32d3903...11400 / 00--
3284761051125322 of 32proposed 6833230xf3d8f7f7...12800 / 00--
3284761051125221 of 32proposed 8335970x7f3f075f...7000 / 00--
3284761051125120 of 32proposed 12796100x4b52cb44...12800 / 00--
3284761051125019 of 32proposed 13701700xfa9ad0e6...12800 / 00🧱🔥 Kiln.fi 🔥&# ...
3284761051124918 of 32proposed 16675040x49f7a84e...12800 / 00--
3284761051124817 of 32proposed 7077040x351bb5f1...12800 / 00--
3284761051124716 of 32proposed 1065670x41a235d9...12800 / 00validating_from_DAppNode
3284761051124615 of 32proposed 1708960x9b8d987e...12800 / 00--
3284761051124514 of 32proposed 8386580xe0ad6668...6900 / 00GEf3c6LH2e0e
3284761051124413 of 32proposed 13043400x18bc4788...12800 / 00bitcoinsuisse.com TKGE
3284761051124312 of 32proposed 2207040x639ebaca...12800 / 00🧱🔥 Kiln.fi 🔥&# ...
3284761051124211 of 32proposed 5296410x087ff3a6...12800 / 00--
3284761051124110 of 32proposed 15984780x488406c2...10600 / 00GEa952LHd6ba
328476105112409 of 32proposed 9624060x42c4a988...12800 / 00bitcoinsuisse.com TKNM
328476105112398 of 32proposed 14226410x1aa5e4f7...12800 / 00Avado TK56440a82GE293a300d
328476105112387 of 32proposed 16168420x008d7589...12800 / 00--
328476105112376 of 32proposed 7246030x7b038868...12800 / 00--
328476105112365 of 32proposed 5933180x61ee059f...6800 / 00GEf3c6LHd6ba
328476105112354 of 32proposed 16340360x980f9b6e...9800 / 00RP-NN v1.14.1 (AEKSAmor!)
328476105112343 of 32proposed 5665350xac48fb17...12800 / 00--
328476105112332 of 32proposed 12296700x062a4203...12800 / 00BU141eLHd6ba
328476105112321 of 32proposed 3393260xd0453992...8200 / 00BridgetowerCapital