Time on the Beacon Chain is divided into "slots" of 12 secs apart at which actions and state transitions occur (You can also view the Scheduled blocks)

Epoch Slot Pos Status Proposer ParentRoot Att DEP S-P/A Exit Graffiti Utf8
3296041054735932 of 32proposed 11868370x3851dd3b...12800 / 00A41 TKa9f98260NMdfea5240
3296041054735831 of 32proposed 283640xb7840310...8600 / 00Stake Earn Relax 🐠 stakefish
3296041054735730 of 32proposed 13340900xd9ef2ad7...12800 / 00🧱🔥 Kiln.fi 🔥&# ...
3296041054735629 of 32proposed 7027330xa767b7b6...12800 / 01--
3296041054735528 of 32proposed 15576200x1cbcf053...12800 / 012GEa952LHd6ba
3296041054735427 of 32proposed 4063010xec628708...9100 / 00eth-docker
3296041054735326 of 32proposed 9326270xb7d8be00...12800 / 1*0--
3296041054735225 of 32proposed 14608860x4c2b779a...7500 / 2*0validating_from_DAppNode
3296041054735124 of 32proposed 1997020x65c1f776...8300 / 2*0Stake Earn Relax 🐠 stakefish
3296041054735023 of 32proposed 10722380x0437c3a2...12800 / 00--
3296041054734922 of 32proposed 7884460x9564564a...12800 / 00prylabs-lido
3296041054734821 of 32proposed 1224370xb26b1192...12800 / 00Powered by ⚡️Allnodes
3296041054734720 of 32proposed 6606150x28f42a9f...12800 / 00NM9c48LHc042
3296041054734619 of 32proposed 6200220x7e38ede6...12800 / 00--
3296041054734518 of 32proposed 2254440xe6a38d4a...12800 / 00--
3296041054734417 of 32proposed 8084200x3ddc00cb...6400 / 00BU141eLHd6ba
3296041054734316 of 32proposed 13863260xadf85306...12800 / 00Everstake / Stader
3296041054734215 of 32proposed 13229940x5ec588fb...12800 / 00SSV.Network
3296041054734114 of 32proposed 12313660x3600777f...12800 / 00🧱🔥 Kiln.fi 🔥&# ...
3296041054734013 of 32proposed 16568210x2d75ec2c...12800 / 00--
3296041054733912 of 32proposed 4357000xbe7a4b92...11300 / 00--
3296041054733811 of 32proposed 15522200x8638ff7b...12800 / 2*0ether.fi ⚡️Allnodes
3296041054733710 of 32proposed 942110xcd687127...12800 / 00StakeHound ⚡️Allnodes
329604105473369 of 32proposed 12182720x7eef358c...12800 / 01𝕡𝟚𝕡․𝕠& ...
329604105473358 of 32proposed 10621290x78606c82...12800 / 00stereum.net
329604105473347 of 32proposed 10437400x5c8064f6...12800 / 00TK56440a82NMdfea5240
329604105473336 of 32proposed 4140100xb8cbb45b...12800 / 00GEa952LHd6ba
329604105473325 of 32proposed 13057310xca43217c...8800 / 00NMdfeaLHd6ba
329604105473314 of 32proposed 6085650xfd090613...12800 / 00--
329604105473303 of 32proposed 3904380x8cd14920...12800 / 00🧱🔥 Kiln.fi 🔥&# ...
329604105473292 of 32proposed 2773640xb00f4e9c...12800 / 00bitcoinsuisse.com TKNM
329604105473281 of 32proposed 4235250x2a65d3ce...12800 / 00TK56440a82BU141eb4b7