Time on the Beacon Chain is divided into "slots" of 12 secs apart at which actions and state transitions occur (You can also view the Scheduled blocks)

Epoch Slot Pos Status Proposer ParentRoot Att DEP S-P/A Exit Graffiti Utf8
3377901080931132 of 32proposed 390910xdc3b4d79...6400 / 00ETh2LightVal
3377901080931031 of 32proposed 15914550x64437e82...12800 / 00--
3377901080930930 of 32proposed 10624580x8dde2854...12800 / 00stereum.net
3377901080930829 of 32proposed 11118890x64e1ca62...11000 / 00Lighthouse/v5.0.0-b5bae6e
3377901080930728 of 32proposed 13847260xed7c2fb4...6700 / 00Nimbus/v24.10.0-c4037d-stateofus
3377901080930627 of 32proposed 5328020x662adb7d...12600 / 00LIDO-KukisGlobal
3377901080930526 of 32proposed 3903780x7a31f0ad...7600 / 00𝕡𝟚𝕡․𝕠& ...
3377901080930425 of 32proposed 15264410xb214ea45...8800 / 00ether.fi ⚡️Allnodes
3377901080930324 of 32proposed 8775830x3b175dbe...12800 / 00--
3377901080930223 of 32proposed 8051750x24629beb...9100 / 00validating_from_DAppNode
3377901080930122 of 32proposed 11935390x7e0ca635...9400 / 00--
3377901080930021 of 32proposed 5610390x82300a4b...12800 / 00--
3377901080929920 of 32proposed 13518550x72eba385...8700 / 00SSV.Network
3377901080929819 of 32proposed 1714520xa746bf83...6600 / 00haro validators
3377901080929718 of 32proposed 16036800x21040acc...12400 / 00SSV.Network TKa9f98260GEaa55f5ea
3377901080929617 of 32proposed 13125770x94217d9c...6700 / 00SSV.Network
3377901080929516 of 32proposed 16580930xe665aaf5...12800 / 00--
3377901080929415 of 32proposed 3799330xa0563875...12800 / 00Stakin (https://stakin.com) TK
3377901080929314 of 32proposed 1352420xdd4ef74c...12800 / 00Stake Earn Relax 🐠 stakefish
3377901080929213 of 32proposed 8191750x06c3bd73...7200 / 00LAC-FUTURE
3377901080929112 of 32proposed 16546480xca6ab838...12800 / 00--
3377901080929011 of 32proposed 6891840xc8c34be4...12800 / 00GEa952LHd6ba
3377901080928910 of 32forked 448440x98f172b2...100 / 00Chain o' Brothers
337790108092889 of 32proposed 9371190x6b99205d...6600 / 00--
337790108092878 of 32proposed 6999390xc23f62a1...12800 / 00--
337790108092867 of 32proposed 13550730x98f172b2...12800 / 00SSV.Network
337790108092856 of 32proposed 12202060xf6c5d919...12800 / 00stereum.net
337790108092845 of 32proposed 12669630xc74be19b...12800 / 00--
337790108092834 of 32proposed 123610x3f1a9be2...8300 / 00It's probably fine...
337790108092823 of 32proposed 10458280x8f0b5c6c...12800 / 00stereum.net
337790108092812 of 32proposed 3876810x73751508...8500 / 01🧱🔥 Kiln.fi 🔥&# ...
337790108092801 of 32proposed 17173330x7bc596fe...7700 / 00SSV.Network