Time on the Beacon Chain is divided into "slots" of 12 secs apart at which actions and state transitions occur (You can also view the Scheduled blocks)

Epoch Slot Pos Status Proposer ParentRoot Att DEP S-P/A Exit Graffiti Utf8
3379581081468732 of 32proposed 15521980x41590255...7100 / 00ether.fi ⚡️Allnodes
3379581081468631 of 32proposed 15933290x7700a6b1...6700 / 00SSV.Network
3379581081468530 of 32proposed 7294340x5021d97d...7000 / 00--
3379581081468429 of 32proposed 6288290xf3210c33...12800 / 00--
3379581081468328 of 32proposed 7633430xa7006966...7000 / 00X
3379581081468227 of 32proposed 7119940xd29659b3...10900 / 00Lido ⚡️Allnodes
3379581081468126 of 32proposed 11971650xabd44902...6700 / 00A41
3379581081468025 of 32proposed 9373050xfe4f3a4a...12000 / 00Block by Stakely.io Lido102
3379581081467924 of 32proposed 15673220x4bdc514b...12800 / 00SSV.Network
3379581081467823 of 32proposed 16842300xace25bcf...12800 / 00--
3379581081467722 of 32proposed 750790x82c484d4...12800 / 00piz 42
3379581081467621 of 32proposed 8470750x99293707...12100 / 00blockscape
3379581081467520 of 32proposed 9415760x2b7babaa...6600 / 00--
3379581081467419 of 32proposed 14206260xcf3e6197...12800 / 00Chainnodes TK234f711aGEf3c696fa
3379581081467318 of 32proposed 8598140xc228e99e...7600 / 00Nimbus/v24.6.0-7d0078-stateofus
3379581081467217 of 32proposed 12741930x84216f82...8700 / 00Everstake / Pro
3379581081467116 of 32proposed 3405770xac77eb82...6400 / 00BridgetowerCapital
3379581081467015 of 32proposed 15254410x8a229937...8000 / 00bitcoinsuisse.com TKBU
3379581081466914 of 32proposed 15798050x61a23c11...8000 / 00GEa952LHd6ba
3379581081466813 of 32proposed 1576990x5ae12a75...12300 / 00--
3379581081466712 of 32proposed 7136270x0d7de3dc...6800 / 00Nimbus/v24.5.1-d2a075-stateofus
3379581081466611 of 32proposed 14496700x278682e9...6500 / 00The future is now!
3379581081466510 of 32proposed 2808600xb1177ebe...12400 / 00bitcoinsuisse.com TKBU
337958108146649 of 32proposed 9493140x0477c3c4...12800 / 00--
337958108146638 of 32proposed 10247350x292cf163...12800 / 00--
337958108146627 of 32proposed 4548500xc7672641...6700 / 00BU141eLHd6ba
337958108146616 of 32proposed 6990440x4b40ad56...6800 / 00⌐◨-◨
337958108146605 of 32proposed 8726840xba96ba91...10400 / 00--
337958108146594 of 32proposed 13392240xcdc1a8cd...10400 / 00--
337958108146583 of 32proposed 16931860x98ed6ec6...12700 / 00--
337958108146572 of 32proposed 12519500x546f3fc3...12800 / 00--
337958108146561 of 32proposed 16860680x0f9e5ad7...12800 / 00--