Time on the Beacon Chain is divided into "slots" of 12 secs apart at which actions and state transitions occur (You can also view the Scheduled blocks)

Epoch Slot Pos Status Proposer ParentRoot Att DEP S-P/A Exit Graffiti Utf8
3433701098787132 of 32proposed 14250050x3898ea25...12800 / 00ether.fi ⚡️Allnodes
3433701098787031 of 32proposed 8293950x837bd8f1...12800 / 00NM2b75LH0d90
3433701098786930 of 32proposed 17278080x7a2e20e1...12800 / 00--
3433701098786829 of 32proposed 16335950x34360a20...12800 / 00--
3433701098786728 of 32proposed 1667800x78a28ce5...11200 / 00SSV.Network
3433701098786627 of 32proposed 13763180x5385d45d...8800 / 00A41
3433701098786526 of 32proposed 10205780x342ac381...7300 / 00--
3433701098786425 of 32proposed 7953650xa0d7bed7...12500 / 00CryptoManufaktur-Lido TKb5BUea
3433701098786324 of 32proposed 7694450xfac520d2...12800 / 00🧱🔥 Kiln.fi 🔥&# ...
3433701098786223 of 32proposed 6987130xf454a956...6600 / 00LAC-FUTURE
3433701098786122 of 32proposed 10028120x42f0f3e4...11100 / 00chainup
3433701098786021 of 32proposed 4413800x8ea6c9d3...12800 / 00TKd56ce97fBU870f3b78
3433701098785920 of 32proposed 563960x7facf0d9...12800 / 00--
3433701098785819 of 32proposed 9592760xfb5cb68c...12800 / 00--
3433701098785718 of 32proposed 13274850x565d0582...10000 / 00SSV.Network TKb10b0116NMdfea5240
3433701098785617 of 32proposed 13832430xbc2387a6...12800 / 00Powered by ⚡️Allnodes
3433701098785516 of 32proposed 16581090x32334348...12800 / 00--
3433701098785415 of 32proposed 16088200x93d3e2c9...12800 / 00--
3433701098785314 of 32proposed 3491840x17ad7f04...12800 / 00Lido ⚡️Allnodes
3433701098785213 of 32proposed 16699820x65b338b9...12700 / 00GEeb00LHd6ba
3433701098785112 of 32proposed 11242930xd2e8bad5...12800 / 00--
3433701098785011 of 32proposed 5909320xe2bcd717...12800 / 00🧱🔥 Kiln.fi 🔥&# ...
3433701098784910 of 32proposed 2276500x2c7e4765...12800 / 00bitcoinsuisse.com TKNM
343370109878489 of 32proposed 13203560xa7606710...8100 / 00--
343370109878478 of 32proposed 17009240xc47d2ca1...12800 / 00--
343370109878467 of 32proposed 8470410xee28543e...12800 / 00CryptoManufaktur-Lido TKb5BUea
343370109878456 of 32proposed 17327250x338ab402...7100 / 00-
343370109878445 of 32proposed 15324460xe9d6e7ec...12800 / 00RP-XT v1.14.1 TK5644NMdfea
343370109878434 of 32proposed 5196440xae18ed7d...9700 / 00LIDO-KukisGlobal
343370109878423 of 32proposed 2574340x16e9ba48...12800 / 00Powered by ⚡️Allnodes
343370109878412 of 32proposed 12841730x6c56178c...12800 / 00ssv.network TK777c9dc7
343370109878401 of 32proposed 5564440xc74cf040...12800 / 00stereum.net