Time on the Beacon Chain is divided into "slots" of 12 secs apart at which actions and state transitions occur (You can also view the Scheduled blocks)

Epoch Slot Pos Status Proposer ParentRoot Att DEP S-P/A Exit Graffiti Utf8
50908162908732 of 32proposed 1780370x712f294b...8700 / 00--
50908162908631 of 32proposed 984280xb43454be...5800 / 00--
50908162908530 of 32proposed 1444520x858cfec9...5200 / 00--
50908162908429 of 32proposed 378480x46396347...12800 / 00bitcoinsuisse.com
50908162908328 of 32proposed 74100x18132f95...4800 / 00阿甫 🇹🇼 Taiwan
50908162908227 of 32proposed 1369240xedc187a7...5300 / 00--
50908162908126 of 32proposed 1829920xccf7398e...7400 / 00--
50908162908025 of 32proposed 978090xe51b9992...7700 / 00--
50908162907924 of 32proposed 18920x8cf25285...4700 / 00Lighthouse/v1.4.0-3b600ac
50908162907823 of 32proposed 990690x504530a8...4800 / 00Lighthouse/v1.4.0-3b600ac
50908162907722 of 32proposed 1417340x3893dba0...7800 / 00--
50908162907621 of 32proposed 279920xbf1a8e75...5600 / 00💰EasyMoney💰 ...
50908162907520 of 32proposed 1218740xf7197312...6000 / 00--
50908162907419 of 32proposed 535270x9377b52d...9400 / 00--
50908162907318 of 32proposed 1152690x3c93b92b...8700 / 00SharedStake.org Prysm AWS-ohio
50908162907217 of 32proposed 549710xedc57d1f...6300 / 00--
50908162907116 of 32proposed 353250x289d3a6f...10900 / 00--
50908162907015 of 32proposed 23670x5374a27f...4700 / 00(o0o Dinochrome Brigade o0o)
50908162906914 of 32proposed 361780xc0e42f44...11400 / 00--
50908162906813 of 32proposed 1538990xc2cf17a1...6600 / 00--
50908162906712 of 32proposed 1867980x3c7f4493...6200 / 00SkillZ
50908162906611 of 32proposed 262600x10ae2bd6...11400 / 00--
50908162906510 of 32proposed 159610xb6732149...7400 / 00--
5090816290649 of 32proposed 1521770x2d4da50b...12100 / 00--
5090816290638 of 32proposed 550850x2305add7...10800 / 00--
5090816290627 of 32proposed 1808330x0e1c183b...12800 / 00--
5090816290616 of 32proposed 256760xe5a7ccae...6700 / 00Those nice lesbians next door ;)
5090816290605 of 32proposed 1586350x00e7383c...12800 / 00--
5090816290594 of 32proposed 1677990xd615bc4e...12800 / 00--
5090816290583 of 32proposed 891540x914dda45...5300 / 00🐠Welcome to the New Beginning
5090816290572 of 32proposed 1359690x2bad65be...11100 / 00🐠Welcome to the New Beginning
5090816290561 of 32proposed 1834410xc49cec88...7300 / 00--