Time on the Beacon Chain is divided into "slots" of 12 secs apart at which actions and state transitions occur (You can also view the Scheduled blocks)

Epoch Slot Pos Status Proposer ParentRoot Att DEP S-P/A Exit Graffiti Utf8
339888108764183 of 32proposed 11617630x6a4933a4...12800 / 00TK56440a82
339672108695052 of 32proposed 11647050xa3b26eb6...12800 / 00TK56440a82
3395231086474611 of 32proposed 11576490x7983b398...12800 / 00TK56440a82
3394891086367629 of 32proposed 11722080x1b066ecb...12800 / 00TK56440a82
3393471085912724 of 32proposed 11489810xa70f0757...12800 / 00TK56440a82
3392131085484631 of 32proposed 10439080x315479a9...12800 / 00TK56440a82
3390531084972328 of 32proposed 11647250x5d36dc63...12800 / 00TK56440a82
3387091083870316 of 32proposed 11074260x95610128...12800 / 00TK56440a82
3386861083798231 of 32proposed 10551610x22f3a74c...12800 / 00TK56440a82
3386801083777011 of 32proposed 12064850x496ff873...12500 / 00TK56440a82