Time on the Beacon Chain is divided into "slots" of 12 secs apart at which actions and state transitions occur (You can also view the Scheduled blocks)

Epoch Slot Pos Status Proposer ParentRoot Att DEP S-P/A Exit Graffiti Utf8
3400961088308413 of 32proposed 9032900x24e5bb84...11700 / 00Stakin (https://stakin.com) TK
3400951088306324 of 32proposed 9164070x336d28d0...12800 / 00Stakin (https://stakin.com) TK
3400861088277019 of 32proposed 5400960xac0d1872...12800 / 00Stakin (https://stakin.com) TK
3400811088260211 of 32proposed 3635770xc0be98d9...9800 / 00Stakin (https://stakin.com) TK
340076108824332 of 32proposed 5397570x639e18ef...12800 / 00Stakin (https://stakin.com) TK
3400681088220025 of 32proposed 3803420x48a314ad...8700 / 00Stakin (https://stakin.com) TK
340068108821816 of 32proposed 9415530xaf1069f5...12800 / 00Stakin (https://stakin.com) TK
3400661088213423 of 32proposed 3911250x8434626f...12800 / 00Stakin (https://stakin.com) TK
3400641088205710 of 32proposed 3744130xbf64e07b...12800 / 00Stakin (https://stakin.com) TK
3400611088196312 of 32proposed 3536260x9a23b476...12800 / 00Stakin (https://stakin.com) TK