Time on the Beacon Chain is divided into "slots" of 12 secs apart at which actions and state transitions occur (You can also view the Scheduled blocks)

Epoch Slot Pos Status Proposer ParentRoot Att DEP S-P/A Exit Graffiti Utf8
3423501095523031 of 32proposed 16700530x1889760e...7400 / 00GEa952LHd6ba
3423471095511310 of 32proposed 16698380x280d20b5...12800 / 00GEa952LHd6ba
3423351095474425 of 32proposed 9273660x4afbbd4e...12800 / 00GEa952LHd6ba
3423251095441617 of 32proposed 9271190x01311aaf...11000 / 00GEa952LHd6ba
3423121095399411 of 32proposed 9657490xccf87a6f...8300 / 00GEa952LHd6ba
342308109538649 of 32proposed 9670540xd80c8ff5...8000 / 00GEa952LHd6ba
342286109531554 of 32proposed 9270230xcb3e7e62...12800 / 00GEa952LHd6ba
3422681095259520 of 32proposed 9670060x095182c2...10200 / 00GEa952LHd6ba
3422631095244328 of 32proposed 16696720x3f7d6047...12800 / 00GEa952LHd6ba
3422631095243015 of 32proposed 9657570x4f8bcd52...11400 / 00GEa952LHd6ba