Time on the Beacon Chain is divided into "slots" of 12 secs apart at which actions and state transitions occur (You can also view the Scheduled blocks)

Epoch Slot Pos Status Proposer ParentRoot Att DEP S-P/A Exit Graffiti Utf8
344431110218009 of 32proposed 3726280x094153ae...12400 / 00Simply Staking
3444241102158720 of 32proposed 6940870x7ae4d419...12800 / 00Simply Staking
3444231102156227 of 32proposed 3724420x3ccb8031...7100 / 00Simply Staking
3444221102151815 of 32proposed 3690980x9dc1d5f2...6800 / 00Simply Staking
3444111102117423 of 32proposed 7808060x2aaba0d4...12800 / 00Simply Staking
3444101102113819 of 32proposed 3283440x6401550c...12800 / 00Simply Staking
3444071102105027 of 32proposed 7639020xee173871...12800 / 00Simply Staking
3444051102098324 of 32proposed 7320830xb842abb5...12800 / 00Simply Staking
3443981102076530 of 32proposed 7797690x69739af8...12800 / 00Simply Staking
3443871102040926 of 32proposed 3293330xddbe2300...12800 / 00Simply Staking