Time on the Beacon Chain is divided into "slots" of 12 secs apart at which actions and state transitions occur (You can also view the Scheduled blocks)

Epoch Slot Pos Status Proposer ParentRoot Att DEP S-P/A Exit Graffiti Utf8
3388821084424926 of 32proposed 17054100x22cfe45b...12800 / 00GE293aLH0d90
3388821084424219 of 32proposed 17076570x84b277f5...12800 / 00GE293aLH0d90
338882108442252 of 32proposed 17395150xf6811977...12800 / 00GE293aLH0d90
3388801084418223 of 32proposed 17393370xb3abc314...12800 / 00GE293aLH0d90
3388751084402324 of 32proposed 15065540xa09a9df4...6700 / 00GE293aLH0d90
3388751084402021 of 32proposed 4290960x5e9ba9c0...6900 / 00GE293aLH0d90
3388751084401516 of 32proposed 17085060xd72513b9...12800 / 00GE293aLH0d90
3388741084398215 of 32proposed 1658410x45d30dfe...6600 / 00GE293aLH0d90
3388721084393330 of 32proposed 17250050x3a233dd4...12800 / 00GE293aLH0d90
3388701084386425 of 32proposed 17088530xf42a9e71...12800 / 00GE293aLH0d90