Time on the Beacon Chain is divided into "slots" of 12 secs apart at which actions and state transitions occur (You can also view the Scheduled blocks)

Epoch Slot Pos Status Proposer ParentRoot Att DEP S-P/A Exit Graffiti Utf8
3388901084449011 of 32proposed 16208750x2d08a77c...12800 / 00Everstake / Pool
3388851084433415 of 32proposed 15133130xfe3ac517...9300 / 00Everstake / Pool
3388701084387132 of 32proposed 16671160x3c119ca5...12200 / 00Everstake / Pool
3388691084383629 of 32proposed 13951390xc7ae2a30...6700 / 00Everstake / Pool
338865108436812 of 32proposed 17321830x3dd2a23b...7200 / 00Everstake / Pool
3388581084347116 of 32proposed 16328030x38c9490a...12800 / 00Everstake / Pool
3388561084341625 of 32proposed 15114170x6a1c9a7e...6400 / 03Everstake / Pool
3388541084333710 of 32proposed 17248300x87db1d63...12800 / 00Everstake / Pool
3388461084308615 of 32proposed 16007190x58c78882...6400 / 00Everstake / Pool
3388401084291031 of 32proposed 15268000xed3cb82f...7300 / 00Everstake / Pool