Time on the Beacon Chain is divided into "slots" of 12 secs apart at which actions and state transitions occur (You can also view the Scheduled blocks)

Epoch Slot Pos Status Proposer ParentRoot Att DEP S-P/A Exit Graffiti Utf8
3388781084412530 of 32proposed 4215270xa05675a9...7000 / 00GEf3c6LH2e0e
338876108440365 of 32proposed 4081270xf6b2ba81...12700 / 00GEf3c6LH2e0e
3388671084375714 of 32proposed 4217320x455b611d...12800 / 00GEf3c6LH2e0e
3388501084321617 of 32proposed 4072780x73ebf910...6700 / 00GEf3c6LH2e0e
338850108432067 of 32proposed 4076820xf339a95f...7100 / 00GEf3c6LH2e0e
338840108428823 of 32proposed 4070030x747aa0ad...9100 / 00GEf3c6LH2e0e
3388391084287730 of 32proposed 4007950xd2e0e718...6500 / 00GEf3c6LH2e0e
3388391084287427 of 32proposed 4011220x2dee35dc...6500 / 00GEf3c6LH2e0e
3388251084241314 of 32proposed 4215640xa44e71b3...6700 / 00GEf3c6LH2e0e
3388141084206215 of 32proposed 4073580x57aa401c...7300 / 00GEf3c6LH2e0e