Time on the Beacon Chain is divided into "slots" of 12 secs apart at which actions and state transitions occur (You can also view the Scheduled blocks)

Epoch Slot Pos Status Proposer ParentRoot Att DEP S-P/A Exit Graffiti Utf8
3388901084450021 of 32proposed 11218120xb490958b...12800 / 00TKb5dd2ae7
3388361084276211 of 32proposed 11365480x8802b3df...12800 / 00TKb5dd2ae7
3388171084216320 of 32proposed 11368380x98fd0b30...12800 / 00TKb5dd2ae7
3388131084202712 of 32proposed 16759650x0868b988...12800 / 00TKb5dd2ae7
338813108420238 of 32proposed 10485610x9f21a7dc...12800 / 00TKb5dd2ae7
3387981084155318 of 32proposed 11238030xa7b35c7d...12800 / 00TKb5dd2ae7
3387921084136522 of 32proposed 10488800x5f5050ab...12800 / 00TKb5dd2ae7
338788108412216 of 32proposed 11246780xc583737b...12800 / 00TKb5dd2ae7
3387381083964429 of 32proposed 10438160x8ef710df...12800 / 00TKb5dd2ae7
3386701083745718 of 32proposed 11478880x7008646c...12800 / 00TKb5dd2ae7