Time on the Beacon Chain is divided into "slots" of 12 secs apart at which actions and state transitions occur (You can also view the Scheduled blocks)

Epoch Slot Pos Status Proposer ParentRoot Att DEP S-P/A Exit Graffiti Utf8
123505395218728 of 32proposed 1878720xbe47af08...12800 / 00SkillZ
123501395204211 of 32proposed 1776210x6b0ce98c...12800 / 00SkillZ
123500395201011 of 32proposed 2189290x37c27946...12800 / 00SkillZ
12349439518158 of 32proposed 2163580x83f8163e...12800 / 00SkillZ
12349439518114 of 32proposed 2189950x836b5f98...12800 / 00SkillZ
12349439518081 of 32proposed 2161510xea480ed7...12800 / 00SkillZ
123492395177027 of 32proposed 2180860xaad56525...12800 / 00SkillZ
123492395176623 of 32proposed 1511770x0f55cffc...12800 / 00SkillZ
123492395176219 of 32proposed 1842520xbff11828...12800 / 00SkillZ
123489395167225 of 32proposed 2198200x8566e912...12800 / 00SkillZ