Time on the Beacon Chain is divided into "slots" of 12 secs apart at which actions and state transitions occur (You can also view the Scheduled blocks)

Epoch Slot Pos Status Proposer ParentRoot Att DEP S-P/A Exit Graffiti Utf8
3187391019967124 of 32proposed 148370x27bed2b1...6500 / 00x4n4d00
310528993692732 of 32proposed 148370xafe73195...6500 / 00x4n4d00
215335689073516 of 32proposed 148370xbc6c9646...12800 / 00x4n4d00
206456660660514 of 32proposed 148370x138aa562...6400 / 00x4n4d00
195537625720623 of 32proposed 148370x1e2e74b4...6500 / 00x4n4d00
177665568529516 of 32proposed 148370xd9a4ddb9...6500 / 00x4n4d00
161648517275621 of 32proposed 148370xb0626c3c...6500 / 00x4n4d00
158798508156732 of 32proposed 148370x3f4a92e2...6500 / 00x4n4d00
157808504988126 of 32proposed 148370xaa521c31...6500 / 00x4n4d00