Time on the Beacon Chain is divided into "slots" of 12 secs apart at which actions and state transitions occur (You can also view the Scheduled blocks)

Epoch Slot Pos Status Proposer ParentRoot Att DEP S-P/A Exit Graffiti Utf8
338699108383703 of 32proposed 3520550x044adcba...9000 / 00BridgetowerCapital
338697108383085 of 32proposed 3431910x8ededdbe...12100 / 00BridgetowerCapital
3386961083830231 of 32proposed 8875810x50db98c4...11400 / 00BridgetowerCapital
3386901083808910 of 32proposed 8325620xa0a88ae0...11200 / 00BridgetowerCapital
3386851083793213 of 32proposed 8925740xd135446f...9900 / 00BridgetowerCapital
338673108375427 of 32proposed 3753010xf53c3293...12800 / 00BridgetowerCapital
338671108374754 of 32proposed 3164450x2c43fd8a...12800 / 016BridgetowerCapital
3386671083737027 of 32proposed 3389270xfbf1a680...6900 / 00BridgetowerCapital
3386621083719512 of 32proposed 3897500x1c522fce...9300 / 00BridgetowerCapital
338661108371576 of 32proposed 8323270x06ddedab...7100 / 00BridgetowerCapital