Time on the Beacon Chain is divided into "slots" of 12 secs apart at which actions and state transitions occur (You can also view the Scheduled blocks)

Epoch Slot Pos Status Proposer ParentRoot Att DEP S-P/A Exit Graffiti Utf8
19284261709485 of 32forked 3690070x5f3a8083...4300 / 00teku/v22.10.2
192685616594324 of 32proposed 3685750x6b2f00f4...1200 / 00teku/v22.10.2
191634613230821 of 32proposed 4455670xe24f87aa...10900 / 00teku/v22.10.2
191424612558720 of 32proposed 3998980x3c18c209...6800 / 00teku/v22.10.2
190857610745431 of 32proposed 4094210x68c98fa5...12700 / 00teku/v22.10.2
190408609308429 of 32proposed 4455640xa15fe58f...7100 / 00teku/v22.10.2
190375609201516 of 32proposed 4094200xd4465a3a...11400 / 00teku/v22.10.2
189776607284716 of 32proposed 1209510x02d10851...3500 / 00teku/v22.10.2
18975460721358 of 32proposed 3622210x8b45433a...7600 / 00teku/v22.10.2
189341605894130 of 32proposed 3621470xd9b65635...12800 / 00teku/v22.10.2