Time on the Beacon Chain is divided into "slots" of 12 secs apart at which actions and state transitions occur (You can also view the Scheduled blocks)

Epoch Slot Pos Status Proposer ParentRoot Att DEP S-P/A Exit Graffiti Utf8
19360861954616 of 32proposed 4113140x1311495d...12800 / 00RP-XT v1.7.0
193598619515823 of 32proposed 2669420xf05ebed3...12500 / 00RP-XT v1.7.0
193588619483722 of 32proposed 4122700xc7597a64...12800 / 00RP-XT v1.7.0
193539619327023 of 32proposed 4302730x184277e0...12800 / 00RP-XT v1.7.0
193520619265213 of 32proposed 4302960x4f9664d9...12800 / 00RP-XT v1.7.0
19351761925529 of 32proposed 4392320xb705ebeb...12800 / 00RP-XT v1.7.0
193487619161330 of 32proposed 4392640xae7c5a71...12800 / 00RP-XT v1.7.0
19348061913645 of 32proposed 4057600xdd6a7a9d...8600 / 00RP-XT v1.7.0
193441619014332 of 32proposed 5132070xb4dc5965...8600 / 00RP-XT v1.7.0
193417618937431 of 32proposed 4057580xfe9b91e4...12800 / 00RP-XT v1.7.0