Time on the Beacon Chain is divided into "slots" of 12 secs apart at which actions and state transitions occur (You can also view the Scheduled blocks)

Epoch Slot Pos Status Proposer ParentRoot Att DEP S-P/A Exit Graffiti Utf8
29435294192696 of 32proposed 8762350x6f0ba70d...12800 / 00XHash.com
294059940990720 of 32proposed 8762760x41132d2b...8200 / 00XHash.com
29404694094776 of 32proposed 8764700x3c8a8193...12800 / 00XHash.com
293981940740817 of 32proposed 8765170x1888110b...12800 / 00XHash.com
293653939692429 of 32proposed 8763930x119df694...12800 / 00XHash.com
293626939605827 of 32proposed 8765820xa6ff9542...11900 / 00XHash.com
293216938293120 of 32proposed 8762240x6c5cff11...128160 / 00XHash.com
293175938162122 of 32proposed 8765910x9deb8b5e...12800 / 00XHash.com
293158938107924 of 32proposed 8764220x2e16bae5...12800 / 00XHash.com
29304293773507 of 32proposed 8767910x09e89b52...9400 / 00XHash.com