Time on the Beacon Chain is divided into "slots" of 12 secs apart at which actions and state transitions occur (You can also view the Scheduled blocks)

Epoch Slot Pos Status Proposer ParentRoot Att DEP S-P/A Exit Graffiti Utf8
346327110824718 of 32proposed 11628430xa3f9e0ff...7800 / 00Stake Earn Relax 🐠 stakefish
3463261108244716 of 32proposed 10698520x7e886bf3...6700 / 00Stake Earn Relax 🐠 stakefish
346325110824078 of 32proposed 13251450x80b743b7...6700 / 00Stake Earn Relax 🐠 stakefish
346324110823714 of 32proposed 3731100x523adc55...6900 / 00Stake Earn Relax 🐠 stakefish
346323110823427 of 32proposed 3730540x835d7146...6500 / 00Stake Earn Relax 🐠 stakefish
346322110823052 of 32proposed 16105280xa744ff1f...8300 / 00Stake Earn Relax 🐠 stakefish
3463201108225112 of 32proposed 14591160x1c673fb6...12800 / 00Stake Earn Relax 🐠 stakefish
346320110822489 of 32proposed 726290x8d568170...6400 / 00Stake Earn Relax 🐠 stakefish
3463191108223023 of 32proposed 17504530xdc0ab996...6400 / 00Stake Earn Relax 🐠 stakefish
3463191108222518 of 32proposed 9980680xfc46e8a9...7700 / 00Stake Earn Relax 🐠 stakefish