Time on the Beacon Chain is divided into "slots" of 12 secs apart at which actions and state transitions occur (You can also view the Scheduled blocks)

Epoch Slot Pos Status Proposer ParentRoot Att DEP S-P/A Exit Graffiti Utf8
274454878255629 of 32proposed 10505840x5d6d3b78...6500 / 01RP-GL v1.11.0
26831185859565 of 32proposed 3279200xc5b77f0f...6400 / 00RP-GL v1.11.0
268099857918720 of 32proposed 2675160xfba06f99...6400 / 00RP-GL v1.11.0
267447855833431 of 32proposed 2629250x360c7aac...6600 / 00RP-GL v1.11.0
267380855617314 of 32proposed 6723150xc01b8025...6400 / 00RP-GL v1.11.0
26727885529038 of 32proposed 3279470xc02292e6...6700 / 00RP-GL v1.11.0
26712885481016 of 32proposed 3295420xcdaee022...6500 / 00RP-GL v1.11.0
26696485428525 of 32proposed 3279520x0849f93e...6400 / 00RP-GL v1.11.0
266955854257819 of 32proposed 11046840x72c83df5...6700 / 00RP-GL v1.11.0
266871853988211 of 32proposed 11046810x845819de...6600 / 00RP-GL v1.11.0