Time on the Beacon Chain is divided into "slots" of 12 secs apart at which actions and state transitions occur (You can also view the Scheduled blocks)

Epoch Slot Pos Status Proposer ParentRoot Att DEP S-P/A Exit Graffiti Utf8
3387041083854922 of 32proposed 3271430x2811bef0...12800 / 00Simply Staking
3387001083843031 of 32proposed 3692660xc2611c08...6700 / 00Simply Staking
3386961083829625 of 32proposed 3685660xc0555b90...12800 / 00Simply Staking
3386921083816623 of 32proposed 6940900x8a6dc89e...12800 / 00Simply Staking
3386851083793516 of 32proposed 3166330x54dc03b6...12800 / 00Simply Staking
3386841083791326 of 32proposed 3169120x73b2e91c...12800 / 00Simply Staking
3386841083790417 of 32proposed 6963340x8a6a160c...12800 / 00Simply Staking
3386741083759528 of 32proposed 3269590x8ba4fbef...12800 / 00Simply Staking
3386711083749423 of 32proposed 14049630x06dc2162...6400 / 016Simply Staking
338671108374776 of 32proposed 3153650x2d05cdf5...12800 / 016Simply Staking