Time on the Beacon Chain is divided into "slots" of 12 secs apart at which actions and state transitions occur (You can also view the Scheduled blocks)

Epoch Slot Pos Status Proposer ParentRoot Att DEP S-P/A Exit Graffiti Utf8
343989110076514 of 32proposed 12780560x72c9edec...12800 / 00Twinstake
3439871100761027 of 32proposed 12122640xf83034fc...11700 / 00Twinstake
3439841100750619 of 32proposed 11552870xf9e381b7...11600 / 00Twinstake
3439841100750013 of 32proposed 15319460x4ca22ab9...10700 / 00Twinstake
343982110074285 of 32proposed 12118920x8b0853f9...7000 / 00Twinstake
3439731100715823 of 32proposed 13875100x54558469...12800 / 00Twinstake
343972110071041 of 32proposed 15231140x9fb917f5...7500 / 00Twinstake
343971110070798 of 32proposed 13878250x1710147f...12800 / 00Twinstake
3439701100705516 of 32proposed 15933440xb5b60aaf...9400 / 00Twinstake
343968110069827 of 32proposed 15081200x71444489...7200 / 00Twinstake