Time on the Beacon Chain is divided into "slots" of 12 secs apart at which actions and state transitions occur (You can also view the Scheduled blocks)

Epoch Slot Pos Status Proposer ParentRoot Att DEP S-P/A Exit Graffiti Utf8
3331151065969213 of 32proposed 4033710xde6f4026...6900 / 00N-S-S-O
333105106593689 of 32proposed 3951280x96105b47...7100 / 00N-S-S-O
3330441065743326 of 32proposed 4043420x54fe0c75...6900 / 00N-S-S-O
3330361065716211 of 32proposed 2872890xe487efe2...7300 / 00N-S-S-O
333032106570252 of 32proposed 14396650x51c8a0b5...7700 / 00N-S-S-O
3330151065649314 of 32proposed 7716920xf6d62fae...12800 / 00N-S-S-O
332980106553601 of 32proposed 4164310x080d5941...11700 / 00N-S-S-O
3329721065512118 of 32proposed 12810950x0739e4ff...7000 / 00N-S-S-O
3329601065473213 of 32proposed 3949450x61156aa6...69160 / 00N-S-S-O
332930106537656 of 32proposed 2903420xa149de6b...6700 / 00N-S-S-O