Containing Graffiti UTF8Text: LuganodesTime on the Beacon Chain is divided into "slots" of 12 secs apart at which actions and state transitions occur (You can also view the Scheduled blocks)
Epoch | Slot | Pos | Status | Proposer | ParentRoot | Att | DEP | S-P/A | Exit | Graffiti Utf8 |
338664 | 10837250 | 3 of 32 | proposed | 1503062 | 0x3f7a9ee6... | 67 | 0 | 0 / 0 | 0 | Luganodes |
338654 | 10836948 | 21 of 32 | proposed | 1355727 | 0x4e32d15e... | 68 | 0 | 0 / 0 | 0 | Luganodes |
338653 | 10836907 | 12 of 32 | proposed | 1375486 | 0xa3e8a4fe... | 64 | 0 | 0 / 0 | 0 | Luganodes |
338639 | 10836450 | 3 of 32 | proposed | 1500640 | 0xf9de0c05... | 111 | 0 | 0 / 0 | 16 | Luganodes |
338612 | 10835613 | 30 of 32 | proposed | 1372828 | 0xcf822b12... | 65 | 0 | 0 / 0 | 0 | Luganodes |
338594 | 10835035 | 28 of 32 | proposed | 1501174 | 0x73faf331... | 127 | 16 | 0 / 0 | 0 | Luganodes |
338577 | 10834474 | 11 of 32 | proposed | 1355756 | 0x04cc8d44... | 66 | 0 | 0 / 0 | 0 | Luganodes |
338566 | 10834124 | 13 of 32 | proposed | 1498321 | 0xb1763004... | 69 | 0 | 0 / 0 | 0 | Luganodes |
338558 | 10833865 | 10 of 32 | proposed | 1355949 | 0x8a066da1... | 72 | 0 | 0 / 0 | 0 | Luganodes |
338527 | 10832868 | 5 of 32 | proposed | 1499750 | 0x5717d324... | 75 | 0 | 0 / 0 | 0 | Luganodes |