Time on the Beacon Chain is divided into "slots" of 12 secs apart at which actions and state transitions occur (You can also view the Scheduled blocks)

Epoch Slot Pos Status Proposer ParentRoot Att DEP S-P/A Exit Graffiti Utf8
3387031083851924 of 32proposed 10297650x723913f5...12800 / 00ebunker.io
338701108384343 of 32proposed 10601690x0e319cc6...12800 / 00ebunker.io
3386961083829019 of 32proposed 10518090xbe052b02...12800 / 00ebunker.io
3386941083823124 of 32proposed 11770870x7f5d6b67...12800 / 00ebunker.io
3386681083739621 of 32proposed 10583730x9385cbd0...12800 / 00ebunker.io
3386681083739116 of 32proposed 10561590xaaa2a342...12800 / 00ebunker.io
3386551083698223 of 32proposed 11775060x20d5f8bb...12800 / 00ebunker.io
338648108367361 of 32proposed 11619390xdad23f5f...12200 / 00ebunker.io
3386461083669019 of 32proposed 11591220x139b5721...12800 / 00ebunker.io
338642108365485 of 32proposed 10332150xeceebffe...12800 / 00ebunker.io