Time on the Beacon Chain is divided into "slots" of 12 secs apart at which actions and state transitions occur (You can also view the Scheduled blocks)

Epoch Slot Pos Status Proposer ParentRoot Att DEP S-P/A Exit Graffiti Utf8
3280871049880320 of 32proposed 144340x2cc16301...9100 / 00teku/v24.3.1
3280451049745819 of 32proposed 9185430xb979b937...9500 / 00teku/v24.3.1
3279421049415310 of 32proposed 9184430xfbfab2db...12800 / 00teku/v24.3.1
3278301049057718 of 32proposed 1107660x87229254...8900 / 00teku/v24.3.1
327729104873347 of 32proposed 4339330x9bc61802...12800 / 00teku/v24.3.1
327696104862776 of 32proposed 5650270x93030e3f...10000 / 00teku/v24.3.1
327650104848078 of 32proposed 9184590xe15b4b48...8400 / 00teku/v24.3.1
3275431048140227 of 32proposed 9185350xd52db800...11800 / 00teku/v24.3.1
3273711047589221 of 32proposed 4339280xa4036e38...12800 / 00teku/v24.3.1
3273401047490021 of 32proposed 9184490xf3afd34b...12800 / 00teku/v24.3.1