Time on the Beacon Chain is divided into "slots" of 12 secs apart at which actions and state transitions occur (You can also view the Scheduled blocks)

Epoch Slot Pos Status Proposer ParentRoot Att DEP S-P/A Exit Graffiti Utf8
3170541014574316 of 32proposed 4499000xc498d426...6600 / 00NM220bLH9e12
317031101450009 of 32proposed 4421660xb76294cb...8400 / 00NM220bLH9e12
316939101420525 of 32proposed 300680x5caff634...6400 / 00NM220bLH9e12
3168721013991916 of 32proposed 4497990xfae0704c...6800 / 01NM220bLH9e12
3167571013624623 of 32proposed 4499010xd1ab8579...7400 / 00NM220bLH9e12
316729101353325 of 32proposed 5895080x9a2f7c64...8900 / 00NM220bLH9e12
316683101338605 of 32proposed 315000xa51c602d...6700 / 00NM220bLH9e12
316667101333441 of 32proposed 4422280xec737398...6400 / 00NM220bLH9e12
3166201013184910 of 32proposed 4421820x99a50232...6400 / 00NM220bLH9e12
316554101297347 of 32proposed 4499140xd5fc70ad...6500 / 00NM220bLH9e12