Time on the Beacon Chain is divided into "slots" of 12 secs apart at which actions and state transitions occur (You can also view the Scheduled blocks)

Epoch Slot Pos Status Proposer ParentRoot Att DEP S-P/A Exit Graffiti Utf8
3302611056838029 of 32proposed 1963300x5496989f...6500 / 00GEaa55LH9e12
3302551056816910 of 32proposed 2475920x4e1df5a8...10000 / 00GEaa55LH9e12
3301521056488926 of 32proposed 1853180x6546d6e9...6400 / 00GEaa55LH9e12
3300451056147132 of 32proposed 1165590xfe409585...6700 / 00GEaa55LH9e12
3296721054953330 of 32proposed 1853340xcd56d0e2...6500 / 00GEaa55LH9e12
329046105294732 of 32proposed 1434410xbe060a1a...7200 / 00GEaa55LH9e12
3289431052619318 of 32proposed 1853240x9c168918...6800 / 00GEaa55LH9e12
3289051052499031 of 32proposed 1853290x964c69c4...6700 / 00GEaa55LH9e12
3287681052058611 of 32proposed 951940xb6b3da68...6900 / 00GEaa55LH9e12
3281201049985415 of 32proposed 1434400x1a2bd872...8600 / 00GEaa55LH9e12