Balance Snapshot
Effective Balance
Deposits Received
32 ETH
Inactive (Exited at Epoch 304446)
Public Name Tag

Total Income
2.053459915 ETH
Daily Income Chart
2024-11-02 - 2024-12-01
Over the last 30 days, there were 0 days which had a positive income and 0 days with a negative income
Validator Performance

Eligible Epoch
143203824 days 22 hrs ago (Aug-29-2022 10:59:35 PM)
Activation Epoch
143209824 days 21 hrs ago (Aug-29-2022 11:37:59 PM)
Exit Epoch
304446108 days 7 hrs ago
Withdrawble Epoch
304702107 days 3 hrs ago
Epoch Slot Status Att. ParentRoot Graffiti Utf8 S-P/A

Blocks Proposed: 6

Note: A proposer is a validator that has been pseudorandomly selected to build a block. Proposers of blocks that get finalized, obtain a sizable reward. There are 4 outcomes of the Proposal status:
(1) Proposed: successfully proposed and rewarded   (2) Skipped: did not correctly propose within the given time frame (i.e offline) and was penalized   (3) Scheduled: Upcoming scheduled proposals assigned to this validator   (4) Forked: chain reorganization, proposal discarded and not rewarded

Epoch Slot Committee Index Inclusion Slot Inclusion Distance Status

Note: Attestations are votes you've cast which confirm the validity of a block. An attestation has 32 slot chances for inclusion on-chain. Validators are rewarded the most when their attestation is included on-chain at their assigned slot. The 3 status outcomes are (1) attested: successfully attested and rewarded   (2) did-not-attest: did not correctly attest within the given time frame, no reward   (3) Scheduled: scheduled for attestation (voting) duty

(Step 1 of 2) To participate in the network, a minimum of 32 ETH from the Eth_1 network has to be sent to a validator deposit contract

Eth 1 A total of 32 Ether in Deposits was originally sent to the Ethereum Mainnet Eth_1 deposit contract for funding this validator
Eth_1 TxHash Eth_1 From Address Signature Amount Status
0x13833f....dde414f4 0x371815....996394790x8e3d6b....c8bd9c771 EthValid
0x232b6b....7a7c6194 0x5edf60....c7e7f6030x8e3d6b....c8bd9c771 EthValid
0x3b31b8....62b5e741 0x854f12....30bfb3580x8e3d6b....c8bd9c771 EthValid
0x3d516b....15daa71d 0xa95522....ce5294440x8aca5a....9b85d1e42 EthValid
0x66829a....1f02f6cd 0xe1e2a5....56798f940x8577b4....8964ec919 EthValid
0x6c1357....a64b057b 0x751893....f2abd6730x8e3d6b....c8bd9c771 EthValid
0x94a7ce....7b5d0d81 0x09df7a....0a5126930x8e3d6b....c8bd9c771 EthValid
0x95b578....4c403ccc 0xf5ecf2....7fafc7f90x8e3d6b....c8bd9c771 EthValid
0x97335f....701a83da 0x6a6185....bcf9c3b00x8e3d6b....c8bd9c771 EthValid
0x9e2bf6....ee6055b9 0xa41532....70e750820x8e3d6b....c8bd9c771 EthValid
0xbab50f....ccb9f037 0xc53539....7200709b0x8e3d6b....c8bd9c771 EthValid
0xbbf2a5....38c2b19b 0x91485c....383d8bb60x8e3d6b....c8bd9c771 EthValid
0xc88dd8....4853feaf 0x5152dd....58aa50bd0x8e3d6b....c8bd9c771 EthValid
0xd7a7de....3364f398 0xcac59f....9f10433c0x8aca5a....9b85d1e42 EthValid
0xdc0c96....028d8bee 0x79d0c9....59e45a9b0x8e3d6b....c8bd9c771 EthValid
0xe32706....87bf4adc 0xe1e2a5....56798f940x8e3d6b....c8bd9c771 EthValid
0xf46e0c....daf0e17c 0xa7e5a8....f6d74e870x8e3d6b....c8bd9c771 EthValid
0xf54e37....274fcba5 0x21c8dc....32c6b1be0x85780d....f78652ed3 EthValid
0xf7d55f....ee4235be 0xff5a22....b62dea310x8e3d6b....c8bd9c771 EthValid
0xf829eb....eaa82b6a 0x59ed24....ebcd3de70x8e3d6b....c8bd9c771 EthValid

(Step 2 of 2) Deposits sent from the Eth_1 network (above) are processed and included in the Beacon chain. Each validator needs a minimum balance of 32 ETH to get activated.

Eth 2.0 Beacon A total of 32 Ether in Deposits was processed by the Eth_2 Beacon Chain network
Epoch Slot Withdrawal Credentials Signature Amount
14096145107650x010000....3e7a9c770x8e3d6b....c8bd9c771 Eth
14172945353470x010000....3e7a9c770x8e3d6b....c8bd9c771 Eth
14179445374180x010000....3e7a9c770x8e3d6b....c8bd9c771 Eth
14185745394500x010000....3e7a9c770x85780d....f78652ed3 Eth
14192145415020x010000....3e7a9c770x8e3d6b....c8bd9c771 Eth
14205145456410x010000....3e7a9c770x8e3d6b....c8bd9c771 Eth
14205145456410x010000....3e7a9c770x8e3d6b....c8bd9c771 Eth
14211445476580x010000....3e7a9c770x8577b4....8964ec919 Eth
14211445476590x010000....3e7a9c770x8e3d6b....c8bd9c771 Eth
14211445476600x010000....3e7a9c770x8e3d6b....c8bd9c771 Eth
14237045558660x010000....3e7a9c770x8e3d6b....c8bd9c771 Eth
14249745599250x010000....3e7a9c770x8e3d6b....c8bd9c771 Eth
14249745599250x010000....3e7a9c770x8e3d6b....c8bd9c771 Eth
14249745599250x010000....3e7a9c770x8aca5a....9b85d1e42 Eth
14249745599260x010000....3e7a9c770x8e3d6b....c8bd9c771 Eth
14256145619750x010000....3e7a9c770x8e3d6b....c8bd9c771 Eth
14268945660620x010000....3e7a9c770x8e3d6b....c8bd9c771 Eth
14320145824590x010000....3e7a9c770x8e3d6b....c8bd9c771 Eth
14320145824590x010000....3e7a9c770x8aca5a....9b85d1e42 Eth
14320145824590x010000....3e7a9c770x8e3d6b....c8bd9c771 Eth

If a slasher detects a slashable offense, proof is sent to the beacon-chain node for inclusion in a block. Validators then earn a small whistleblower reward for including this proof into a block.

Epoch Slot Slashed Validator Reason