Time on the Beacon Chain is divided into "slots" of 12 secs apart at which actions and state transitions occur (You can also view the Scheduled blocks)

Epoch Slot Pos Status Proposer ParentRoot Att DEP S-P/A Exit Graffiti Utf8
163281522502332 of 32proposed 574590xb5c25486...7300 / 00Lighthouse/v3.2.1-6d5a2b5
163281522502231 of 32proposed 2139870xec6df3c4...12800 / 00Lighthouse/v3.2.1-6d5a2b5
163281522502130 of 32proposed 1423420x3fdefa18...7300 / 00--
163281522502029 of 32proposed 811240x39a7b5e4...12800 / 00--
163281522501928 of 32proposed 112410xf7132ddb...7400 / 00Lighthouse/v3.2.1
163281522501827 of 32proposed 2418120xd2d217e7...12800 / 00--
163281522501726 of 32proposed 1502830x3cef262f...7800 / 00zorkmids
163281522501625 of 32proposed 2582260x108698c8...12800 / 00--
163281522501524 of 32proposed 2394640xf7303043...6700 / 00Lighthouse/v3.3.0-bf533c8
163281522501423 of 32proposed 1418590x4a106c1d...12800 / 00bitcoinsuisse.com
163281522501322 of 32proposed 2290990xb99ff2b5...7000 / 00--
163281522501221 of 32proposed 960170x970616ec...7100 / 00Certus One for Lido
163281522501120 of 32proposed 775100x27fa52b8...12800 / 00--
163281522501019 of 32proposed 1893160x4edb162f...9900 / 00🍀🍀溟深辰远🍀㇬ ...
163281522500918 of 32proposed 4234340xa343504f...12700 / 00--
163281522500817 of 32proposed 2087140x25289654...12800 / 00--
163281522500716 of 32proposed 585670xa1fd7961...12800 / 00teku/v22.10.2
163281522500615 of 32proposed 2158240x0d8a4b7c...7200 / 00Lighthouse/v3.2.1-6d5a2b5
163281522500514 of 32proposed 2048080x52c161a5...12800 / 00--
163281522500413 of 32proposed 3528270xd52e9e4a...6500 / 00Lighthouse/v3.2.1-6d5a2b5
163281522500312 of 32proposed 1285140xa5fa9dce...7200 / 00--
163281522500211 of 32proposed 3692860xaa184e43...7500 / 00Simply Staking
163281522500110 of 32proposed 4762060x06534771...12800 / 00Twinstake
16328152250009 of 32proposed 1018010x10d4c5cc...12800 / 00--
16328152249998 of 32proposed 4542030x271f190b...12800 / 00Nethermind for Lido
16328152249987 of 32proposed 3975760x49cf4550...12800 / 00--
16328152249976 of 32proposed 3238990xd52f7b89...12800 / 00🧱🔥 Kiln.fi 🔥&# ...
16328152249965 of 32proposed 3132890x32f8673e...12800 / 00--
16328152249954 of 32proposed 4290970x78b0dd5a...7100 / 00Lighthouse/v3.1.0-aa022f4
16328152249943 of 32proposed 3835110xfd2aa495...6700 / 00Lighthouse/v3.2.1-6d5a2b5
16328152249932 of 32proposed 1237860x9407e24c...12800 / 00--
16328152249921 of 32proposed 1595710x8216085e...8100 / 00blockscape